Owning a drum kit is not necessary to take your first few drum lessons.

All you need is a pair of drumsticks! Usually after about five lessons, it is time to start thinking about getting a kit, and I can help you choose a kit that will best suit your needs and budget.

Electronic Drums

An acoustic drum kit is great, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it is LOUD. But thankfully, these days there is a vast array of options in electronic drums which are far quieter than acoustic drums but still feel great to play. So your ears will thank you, and so will your neighbours!  

Acoustic Drums

If, however, you are in a position to be able to play and practise on an acoustic kit, there are lots of great kits available, and you can upgrade different drums or cymbals as you progress. I can advise you on what is best for your needs, and to suit your budget.